Bargain Blades

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Bargain Stik Tang Blade 5

Bargain Stik Tang Blade 5

Price: £25.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


An Ex Display Blade. Needs a small amount of cleaning.

Nordic Neck Blade


Dimensions: 3.5 x 24 x 60mm

D2 Steel, scandi Grind to zero (Really Sharp)


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Ex Demo Selection Item 1

Ex Demo Selection Item 1

Price: £77.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


Used in various locations to demonstrate how fultang knifes and scales are put together

Blade: Feather Flower Damascus Fultang

Scales: Turkish Walnut bonded to the blade, patially shaped with stailnless corby bolts.

Sheath: Included

A great winter project

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Sample Fultang Damascus Blade 1

Sample Fultang Damascus Blade 1

Price: £20.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


Dimensions and Specifcations

Pattern: Random

Blade: 100mm

Total length: 210mm

Thickness: 3mm

Holes: 2mm and 4mm

Grind: Scandi with secondary bevel and Top False Edge

A good grip-handle.

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Sample Fultang Damascus Blade 2

Sample Fultang Damascus Blade 2

Price: £20.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


Dimensions and Specifcations

Pattern: Random

Blade: 90mm

Total length: 207mm

Thickness: 3mm

Holes: 2mm

Grind: Scandi with secondary bevel and Top False Edge

A very good fit, better for a smaller hand.

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Sample Fultang Damascus Blade 3

Sample Fultang Damascus Blade 3

Price: £20.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


Dimensions and Specifcations

Pattern: Random

Blade: 90mm

Total length: 210mm

Thickness: 3.5mm

Holes: 4mm

Grind: Scandi with secondary bevel

A very good fit, better for a biggerhand.

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Ex Demo Selection Item 3

Ex Demo Selection Item 3

Price: £89.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


Used in various locations to demonstrate how stick tang knives and handles are put together

Blade: A now rare URUSUS Damascus Stik Tang. 95 x 28mm x 3mm

Handle: Turkish Walnut, EHK Nickel Silver Finger Guard, both items bonded onto the blade. The handle has been pre-shaped and needs some extra work to complete this stylish skinning knife

Sheath: Included

A great winter project

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Repaired Knife

Repaired Knife

Price: £59.00 (Including VAT at 20%)


Fultang BearClaw Fultang Blade 220 x 30 x 3.75mm

Scales changed to End Grain Leppard Wood with brass pins

Repaired in 2023 and not collected

Sheath: Included

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For tool making supplies


Blades for Hunting, Bushcrafting, Fishing and Collecting

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