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Online Catalogue | For tool making supplies | Blocks and scales for tool handles | Natural exotic woods from all over the world | South African Woods
Dimensions: 10 x 50 x 230mmLooks quite like California Buckeye BurlThe are some small fissures that need filling and will make up into beautiful Knife Handles.
Dimensions: 10 x 50 x 297mmLooks quite like California Buckeye BurlThe are some small fissures that need filling and will make up into beautiful Knife Handles.
Dimensions: 33 x 44 x 134mm with care could make two sets of ScalesThe are some small fissures that need filling and will make up into beautiful Knife Handles.
Dimensions: 40 x 50 x 130mm A deep red dye mixed with BladeBond HT. BladeBond is very vicious resin and has penetrated right into the blockThis will turn into the most stunning handle.
Dimensions: 42 x 42 x 140mm These Blocks have some large fisures and they need to be filled with some coloured resin then stabilising.This will turn into the most stunning handle.
Dimensions: 40 x 60 x 155mm No fisures at all. Could do with stabilisingThis will turn into the most stunning handle.
Dimensions: 40 x 48 x 130mm Some fisures. Does not need stabilisingThis will turn into the most stunning handle.
Dimensions: 40 x 48 x 130mm Some fisures. This will need stabilisingThis will turn into the most stunning handle.
Dimensions: 38 x 50 x 132mm Some fisures. This will need stabilisingThis will turn into the most stunning handle.
Dimensions: 38 x 48 x 130mm Some fisures need filling. Does not need stabilisingThis will turn into the most stunning handle.
Dimensions: 26 x 30 x 130mm Possible uses, neck knife blocks and spacers. These will turn into the most stunning handles.
Dimensions: 17 x 40 x 140mm Possible uses, Thick scales and spacers. .
Dimensions: 20 x 40 x 140mm Possible uses, handles or thin scales
Dimensions: 27 x 42 x 145mm Possible uses, handles or thin scales
Dimensions: 40 x 40 x 140mm This block has some cracks, but after filling will make and excellent knife handle. No need to stabilised
Dimensions: 38 x 50 x 140mm This block has some nice burls and the odd eye that needs filling will make and excellent knife handle. No need to stabilised
Dimensions: 40 x 50 x 130mm This block has some nice burls and the odd eye that needs filling and will make and excellent knife handle. Needs to be stabilised.
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