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Online Catalogue | For tool making supplies | Blocks and scales for tool handles |
Specially imported from France. Useful for small folder scales, inlays and bolsters.Sold in Pairs only90 x 22 x 3mm. Thickness might vary slightly.
Useful for small folder scales, inlays and bolsters.Supplied unpolished, this material is close to the harness of Stainless Steel. It is noted that they have to be cut with great careSold in Pairs onlyUseable area: 70 x 24 x 3mm. Dimensions may vary slightly.
Genuine Mother of Pearl Offcuts. Left over scales from a batch of folders for James Purdey and Sons.Useable 38 x 18.. Thickness 2.5mm perfect for Inlays
Flattened by time. Came to our beach in Kent with gravel taken off the Hampshire coastSizes vary
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