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Online Catalogue | For tool making supplies | Horn, bone, hoof and antler for handles, scales, spacers and insets | Stag Antler
One set of scales carefully cut they would be suitable for a large fultang bladeDimensions 130 x 40-47 long. 15mm thick
These can be used as spacers or the whole peice could be used as a thumb stick top.Dimensions vary.
SOLD SINGLY. Good for many uses Neck Knife handle Tips, Toggles and medium Firesteel holders.
SOLD SINGLY. Good for many uses Neck Knife handles small blades such as the Polar 62 and Lauri 63, Toggles, medium and large Firesteel holders.
Width 130-150 x 30-25. Dimensions do vary generally bigger.Each peice should yield one standard handle and one neck knife.
Width 200 x 30-25. Dimensions do vary generally bigger.Each peice should yield one standard handle and one neck knife.
Sizes vary - they will make excellent stick tops or knife handles. Point Length 170mm
Sizes vary - they will make excellent stick tops or knife handles. Point Length 190mm
Bottom Piece only. Good for all knife handle makingDimensions vary a bit 140 x 25mm round.
Top 5 Pieces only. Good for all knife handle makingDimensions vary a bit 110-120 x 20mm round.
Good for all knife handle makingDimensions vary a bit 30 x 40mm round.
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